Lansweeper – easily and simply manage your company’s IT assets

Lansweeper – easily and simply manage your company’s IT assets

Among the many IT solutions and software that greatly facilitate the daily work and functioning of your company, in today’s blog we present the LANSWEEPER software.

By using Lansweeper, you will solve one of the biggest challenges faced by companies, especially those that employ a large number of people in their workforce and have a lot of IT assets. According to research (Gartner, 2013), 7 out of 10 companies confirmed that they cannot say with certainty that they know who is accessing their IT assets, as well as where they are all located. This information clearly points to the fact that in such a situation, security is visibly impaired, because the management of the company does not have clear information about who controls certain devices, and thus who can be a potential threat to the security of information and property.

Access control in a centralized system like the one provided by Lansweeper software brings with it many advantages. In short, in the foreground is an overview and a clear insight when it comes to the company’s assets, installed software, users, hardware characteristics and other information that is important for the business of every company. Accurate and relevant information about the real state of IT assets is a prerequisite for making various types of decisions that are important in everyday business, and with Lansweeper it is ensured!

IT Asset Management as the best IT practice in the service of safe and productive business

Some of the most important advantages of IT Asset Management:

  • Centralized management of IT assets – all authorized employees can access the company’s IT assets, fully relying on the same information. In this case, decisions are made that are in line with the corporate strategy, and without relevant information it is not possible to create a picture of the exact size of the IT asset, its availability, current location and be sure that the IT asset is safe.
  • Asset Management Control – Surfing the Internet and installing illegal programs threaten to endanger the device and all data on it; responsibly approach the management of your company’s assets and thus make its functioning more secure.
  • Anticipate potential security threats – Your data is one of the most valuable resources that lead to increased company profits; It is crucial to react quickly to possible threats that can be a potential danger to devices that do not have a security code or are inadequately protected.
  • Simpler internal and external control – this type of audit implies the identification of all software, and the identification and location of any unauthorized installed software prevents potential downtime due to compromised system security.
  • Higher productivity of all employees results in higher productivity of the company. Relying on proven tools in work enables efficiency in performing work tasks, and thus efficiency is raised to a higher level.
  • Creation of comprehensive, generated and precise reports with data on the state of IT assets that you can fully rely on when making business decisions.
  • Access control – Regardless of the size of the company, access control is one of the precautionary measures, and as such it is extremely important to prevent unauthorized access to the network, and prevent possible abuse. Lansweeper software can be accessed from any device which is just another plus that speaks in favor of its usefulness.

In time, think about the idea of adapting your business to the innovative way the market functions, and provide employees with maximum comfort in working and performing all work tasks!

You can get more information about Lansweeper, a demo version for 30 days, as well as an offer that is fully adapted to your business, if you contact us via the LINK.